directed by Ruth Olshan
Media installation of audio and visuals on two large screens at the Jewish Museum Frankfurt. Statements, gestures and moments of reflection by Jewish filmmakers on the attributions of Jewish identity.
directed by Ruth Olshan
Documentary film installation as permanent exhibition at the JMB Learning Center of the Jewish Museum Berlin.
directed by Ruth Olshan
Non-linear, interactive film installation about Jewish dietary laws.
Exhibition venue: Jewish Museum Berlin/permanent installation at the JMB Learning Center.
directed by Ruth Olshan
Video installation commissioned by the Jewish Museum Berlin for the permanent exhibition.
directed by Ruth Olshan
Exhibition with documentary mobile phone photos and texts by young people, as part of a seminar by Ruth Olshan in the „Wilden Hütte“, Berlin-Britz.
We are David Bernet and Ruth Olshan, filmmakers, authors and consultants. With Atmosfilm we produce films for NGOs, institutions, museums etc.. For cinema documentaries, documentary series and feature film projects, that are not produced by Atmosfilm, we work as filmmakers with production companies and broadcasters.